Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You are being abused

I have so many thoughts on this food thing that I just couldn't write one post and let it go.  Whether we realize it or not, its not only our choices that can keep us healthy but those who influence those choices.  If you are unaware of how you are being manipulated, you should research it and make better choices based on your information.  Here are a couple some things for starters that I have learned to always keep in mind when trying to make good food decisions:

Processed (the yucky stuff) food is cheaper. Simple supply and demand. If we keep buying it, the distributors make a ton of money and then they can easily compete with that body healthy food. You may have to pay a few dollars more now but you will benefit a bunch in your medical bills later.

Just because its written on the box, doesn't mean its healthy.  There is a very thin line being walked on by our products labeling and many are dancing around the nutrition for marketing purposes. I about fell over when I saw a pop-tart box (one thing I am trying to rid my house of) that said in really large letters: "20% FIBER" Ok, so does that mean that pop-tarts are now good for me? And because everyone says we need fiber? Did you know there has always been fiber in pop-tarts? And in every other food item that involves any type of wheat bread.

Bottom line is be smart when you plan meals and go to the store. Eat a good salad or snack on carrots before going shopping and that should get you primed for making good choices.

Tomorrow I have got to tell you about my lunch experiences at my sons school.  Lets just say, Shock and Awe!

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