Thursday, November 10, 2016

Confession of a Would-Be Drug Addict

I have spent the last year diving into the drug epidemic in this country. All the families that suffer from just one person’s misstep, misjudgment or caught off guard weak moment. I hate it but in some way, I get it.  I recently read an article from the medical director of a hospital in CT where his primary function is to review autopsy reports.  The overdose deaths taking lives so early is disturbing.  What stood out to me was the fact that a lot of the overdoses weren’t because of too much of a drug, ie.  pills, heroin, or street drugs but a combination of pain killers used in the correct dosage but as a mix.  Simply taking a Valium, a Xanax and your other meds can result in your going to sleep and never waking up. 

Many people I talk to in day to day conversations are appalled at the over usage of Rx medications and I agree with them, especially when it results in the harm of our children and the destruction of our families.  It always leaves us asking “Why? Why are these people choosing this path?”.   If we are going to help people, we need to understand what’s going on in the hearts and minds of the victims.

“I just had knee surgery, next thing I knew, I was on the street waiting for my contact to bring me more Percocet.  The doctor stopped prescribing it, but I’m still in so much pain.”  This is the beginning of so many addicts’ stories.  Pain is a terrible thing and the prescribing of so many opioid pain killers, is hard to resist.  I completely understand this mentality. In fact, my heart goes out to those who start out in this realm.

I have had chronic pain for 10 years.  About 5 years ago, I cracked a tooth down to my jawbone and had to have it pulled.  I am an anxiety nightmare when it comes to dentists, so I had them knock me out.  When I woke up after the procedure, they had also given me Demerol for my pain.  I remember thinking… this is the first time in years that my body isn’t riddled with pain! I was so happy to think that this is what it must be like to be normal without the chronic fibromyalgia beating me down!  I immediately turned to my husband and said “Never let me have pain medications again!”   I knew right there that if I were to ever start treating my pain with pain killers, I wouldn’t stop.  It was the best feeling in the world.  Since that day, I have chosen to live with my pain and make that choice on a daily basis and function to the best of my ability without medication. I was thankful for that revelation and understand the attraction. On a good day, my pain is a 4 and on a bad day, its unbearable; yet in my life, I have seen so much destruction from pain killers and pain numbing street drugs that I just refuse to choose my personal pain over causing others I love pain. 

And the point?  I think in this day and age, there are so many new and existing chronic pain conditions and post-surgery, injury pain, that we need to look at the science of our medical approach to treating it.  We can’t help people with pain without creating addicts unless we start researching safe ways to treat the conditions.  There are so many alternative approaches (biofeedback, acupuncture, and therapy) that would decrease pain and keep patients off tempting medications. We are dumping billions into drug research.  If just a portion of that funding would go to alternative therapies, release the findings, educate the medical profession, we could save lives.  Not only lives of adults, but families and children affected by the byproduct of abuse.  The domino effect would be unmeasurable.