Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Road Taken

Do you ever feel like you need to “Be a better person”? I notice that people go to many lengths to try to find the areas where they can improve themselves. Try to be more patient or more focused or more tolerant? Well I have decided that the best way to find out where you lack is to leave. Leave home and just go somewhere else. Get out of your comfort zone a little and see what comes up. I did that. I left home last week for a trip and I was surprised to find that area of my personality that is lacking. The one area that needs a lot of tweaking and fine tuning is… road rage. Hi, my name is Cheryl and I have a road problem. It started the minute I hit the interstate and to make matters worse I was driving in a rental car with New York plates so sometimes I took advantage of my situation. I think God created cars just to test us. I think he put that woman who can’t STOP hitting her brakes in front of me to teach me tolerance. I think He put that crazy guy in the pinto weaving in and out of lanes to keep help me practice focusing on my task at hand. I then finally concluded that He put the man on the cell phone driving in the fast lane going 60 in a 70 in front of me to teach me that life is about the journey, not the destination. I really think if I can get a handle on the road thing, than learning the life lessons will be a walk in the park.


Dawn Bender said...

Good luck with that, I try to breathe in and out to fight the rage, but I just prefer to cuss and honk horn etc...My form of therapy. Dawn

Cheryl Derrick said...

You are so funny!