Friday, April 30, 2010

Just wondering.....

What are these for? No, they are not for guardrails because they ran them along the guardrails as well. They are not mile markers. That would be pretty pointless so close together. Hmmmmm. Surely not of fence. That would be like bumper cars on the interstate if it were....any suggestions?

1 comment:

Cheryl Derrick said...

Thank you for your questions about Median Cable Barrier on Tennessee highways. The desired result is to prevent run off road (ROR) and cross-over crashes by motor vehicles. Lane departure crashes account for over 62% (over 600 last year) of traffic fatalities in Tennessee. Due to this fact, an emphasis area of the Tennessee Strategic Highway Safety Plan is to “Reduce Lane Departures". Among the strategies listed to accomplish this are system-wide safety improvements including the installation of Median Cable Barriers.

Cable Barrier is generally more "forgiving" than other metal beam or concrete barrier systems in that it is designed to deflect up to eight feet absorbing far more energy than the other systems (which deflect from 0 to 3 feet). Cable barriers have been in use in Europe for decades and continue to be used to good effect there. Median cable barriers have been shown to reduce cross over crashes by over 90 percent in many areas. Many states (Oklahoma, Washington, Utah, North Carolina, and Missouri are included) have been using the cable barriers for years with excellent results. The following links will take you to some of their published information.