Monday, March 29, 2010

First BLOG about me.

I am a 45 or 46ish stay at home mom. Well, not really. My last child is 9 and he is in school all day so I don't think that should count. I have so many things I love to do. Contrary to the popular belief that the shoe belongs in the screen of your computer, I like to "compute". Not games or anything but creating programs that run or tracking information. Thats fun. Thats also my right brain. My left brain loves to paint, scrap book, take pictures, shop, eat, gourmet and do things with my friends.

I am married, again, have 4 kids from 27 to 9. His, mine and ours syndrome with one grandchild and one on the way. All that makes some exciting stories!

I named it "Searching for Penny Candy" because my husband and I spend alot of time talking about the old days. The days of our parents and their parents. Comparing life in this realm to the life they grew up in. How amazing!

This is my new blog.

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