Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beauty in the Eye

I love to take pictures. Everyone loves to take pictures. I think of myself as an amateur sidewalk photographer at best. I carry the camera everywhere I go. Its in the car, at family outings, holidays, ball games, hiking, on purpose or just in case. It would be just horrible to miss that one chance to take the perfect picture that I’ve waited for all day. Why?
One day I was hunting everywhere for a picture I had taken. Two hours, four jump drives and 3 rubber maid containers later my effort was futile so I started thinking, Why? Why do I do this? Everyone takes pictures and why do I think mine are so much better than anyone else’s? Then it hit me. That afternoon I was pulling down my driveway going to work. I have 20 things on my mind, ball practice, dinner, work, who I forgot to call, schedules, etc. You know the drill. As I reached the end of my driveway I saw something that made me stop dead in my tracks. I looked to my right and saw it. On the narrow road that goes off into the mountain were two magnificent 12 foot tall, muscular light brown horses with blonde looking manes and tails. In between the two Clydesdale looking pair was a farm hand casually and purposely guiding these horses down the road. As I stopped and just watched the trio head toward the mountains, time stood still, my head was clear of the chaos, and I wanted my camera. I wanted my camera because I so badly wanted to share that feeling of peace that I had with the whole world.
That’s what photography is all about. We want to give someone else a moment we just experienced; a feeling of peace, love, happiness, joy or beauty. We use our eyes to feel more than we do to see. That is what we want to really share with the world.


Michael Sims said...

Cheryl, I think this is excellent. Bill sent me the link. I'll keep checking in. And I completely agree with you about photography, the urge to share the peaceful, meaningful, otherwise private moments. Excellent

sherry selby said...

I love the way you write, so funny yet inspiring!!