Sunday, October 28, 2018

Penny Candy - The Story Behind the Stories

The joys of my life are writing,  photography, sharing the good parts of life and inspiring others. Some people look at the past with defeat and regret. I choose to look at the diamonds that bring joy and happiness. We need to realize that its not all struggle and trouble and to fix our minds on the things that are and have been good and wonderful amidst everything else. 

This is how inspiration comes to me. I have a thought, I’m literally given a story in my mind to write and I write it down. Today I need to share the beginning.

When I look back on the past years of my childhood/teen years, my favorite parts always came from the visits with my grandparents.  I don’t know what it was but it was where happiness and freedom lived.  Every time we would visit, my  brothers and I were given each a dollar.  We loved to walk the seemingly many miles to the closest store in rural New Hampshire. Starting by the river, through the covered bridge and along the side of the road. This adventure took us all day. From rock throwing competitions off the bridge to finding little treasures in the rocks by the river. 

Our destination was candy, lots of candy.  When we finally arrived at the store with our dollar, we had to be diligent to make this dollar get as much candy as we could.  Penny Candy was the goal. The bigger the bag, the better the score.  We opted for bottle caps and suckers, odd things in wrappers, and sometimes powdery sugar stuff with dip sticks. 

After we filled our bags, we began the trek back home. It was in reality just about a mile. We traded candy and played along the bridges. Sometimes we would sit and sort our loot and decide what we would save or eat. Our parents never worried about us as long as we were home by dinner. We were never in trouble for our bad choices of blowing our dollar all on candy, and not once did anyone mention the mud on our shoes and body from the big adventure.  As a matter of fact, my grandfather would even have more candy hidden in his pockets to add to our loot bags.

The quest for Penny Candy was about the journey. It wasn’t about the prize at the end or who has more or better, just about how much fun the adventure was and the irreplaceable time with my brothers and my grandparents.

I look at the future with the same expectation. Not about the stuff or who has what or who is accomplishing their goals or not, I see the adventure. The time we spend just spending time with family and friends opening our loot bags of life sharing and trading all the parts. We are on this journey together. I will share with you my treasures and I hope it will make this stretch of roadway a little more enjoyable.

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