Today is movie day, not just for me and 12 of my closest 8 to 12 year olds, but for all the kids of Cumberland County. Every Tuesday this month at 10am, the Rocky Top 10 Cinema gave away free admission to kids in the county. How awesome is that?? Since I started running around with some of my favorite friends this summer, I have found more people and businesses around here that are more than willing and happy to give back to the community and I am so impressed. When I was just sitting home watching the news, I was so frustrated thinking everyone was in for themselves or for the almighty dollar. I used to get myself all worked about the greed and craziness of this country. Well, guess what, I'm going to quit watching the news because the more I am out there in the world, interacting with businesses and people from all walks, the more I see the opposite is true. 99.9% are giving, helpful, wanting to be a productive part of the community and working together to help our families and our children. WOW. What else can I say except that I will no longer judge the majority on the reports of one or two.
Thank you very much Rocky Top 10 for your hospitality to our House of Hope group and the kindness you showed us when we were there.