Sunday, March 22, 2020


We have a tree on our farm.  This massive tree in the middle of a field photobombs every picture I try to take of our mountainous landscapes.  Just the other day, as I was photographing the sunset, I grumbled at this tree with its awkward, mismatched branches and its un-tree like presence corrupting my view.  The tree wasn’t always decrepit like this.
This tree was a pillar of strength.  One of the largest in this part of the field. It had these huge branches that seemed to reach to heaven.  In the summer the shade from this tree would cover a vast amount of space keeping our area cool.  This tree was doing exactly what it was intended for in all it’s glory and beauty.  Then it happened.  The first wave was a severe thunderstorm.  The lightning had struck it so intensely, it seemed to have seared it down one side.  A few years later while having some woods cleared, the loggers attempted to cut this one for us but informed us that it was just too dangerous and unstable of a tree to mess with.  They did what they could and moved on.  So now we have this tree; dead, lightning struck, partially amputated and a major eyesore in my quest for the perfect shot.

Then yesterday happened.  As I stood out on my front porch, enjoying a relaxed mountain view, my eyes went to this tree. I watched it. I thought, this looks different. Something is just not as it seems. You know this when you look at the same thing every day and suddenly, a change is made.  This tree was budding. It was showing the signs that new life is coming.  That’s impossible or maybe I’m crazy.
As I call for my husband to confirm my craziness, he agrees in my vision, turns to me and says, “You know, there is nothing on this earth that God considers a lost cause.  He can make something new out of something people say is completely dead.”

 Wow.  This really encouraged me today.  It’s never too late.  You are never too far past the edge to be pulled back to safety.  You are never so far away to come home.  I call it a reset button. You may call it a second chance. Or 3rd. or 4th.

Don’t write people or situations off because it's gone too far. Nothing is too far for God to reach, renew and give new life. Nothing and No One.

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