Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Call

On 7:00am Thursday morning you receive a call. Its from headquarters.  The Company you have invested in for years.  You have built your life based on this position and income.  The phone call is from your boss.  He says that on Friday at 8:00am, you will be called into a meeting with the CEO and this meeting will determine whether you keep your job or not.  If you are terminated, everything you have worked for falls apart and you are destitute.  The only thing your boss cant tell you is what exactly will determine you keeping your job with the company. It could be your stats. It could be your presentation of sales. It could  be your contacts but he’s not exactly sure.  Now, how do you spend your Friday?  What you do in the next 24 hours could determine your fate. Do you spend it going through your records, dotting I’s and crossing T’s making sure everything is in order to the best of your ability? Everything is at stake. Or do you spend it like every other day because, hey, you’re awesome, right?

It might seem like a no brainer in this situation but what if you found out today was your last day on the planet? Same phone call only your boss is Jesus and God is your CEO. You will step into eternity tomorrow. Everything is at stake. The difference is that you have the intel.  You are told exactly what you need to do to secure your future for eternity but the question still remains, what would you do? 

Those who have ears, let them hear.

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