Saturday, July 1, 2017

Independence Day 2017 is almost upon us.  It’s been 241 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  As I sit outside this Saturday evening, its warm and raining.  All I hear in the distance is the sounds of fireworks although I can’t see anything through the dark and storm covered skies.  As I close my eyes, I can just picture 240 years ago, the sound of gun fire and patriots fighting for their freedom.  It gave me chills.  I was humbled. What would they think of us now?  I hope we have made them proud to have developed a country they fought for even though those soldiers would never see the fruits of their sacrifice.  It is a great country.  The greatest and freest of all the world and as I sit here in my little corner of a small piece of that freedom in pursuit of  happiness that is my right, I am also cautious to never take advantage of the gift of Independence that those who fought in the revolutionary war have given me.  How I live my life and how I raise my children to live and interact in this world, will honor them in the highest manner.

I am thankful today for all my past generation ancestors who believed in a country, a cause, so immensely that they were willing to give their lives for it...and for us.  And they did it.  Happy Independence Day.  Let’s Celebrate!

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