On June 4th, 2011 a dirt track race was held in Crossville, TN to spread Breast Cancer Awareness. The amazing thing about this race is that it was created and organized by 19 year old Jesse Lowe. Jesse has been racing since he was 14 and this year he had the idea to race for breast cancer. On his own he proceeded to create a car to get attention for breast cancer as well as put known breast cancer victims and survivors names on his car. He has a passion for doing great things for the good of the many. A lot of what he has done has come out of his own pocket and he believes he can make a difference in this world. I believe he can too. The race wasn’t widely marketing due to his limited funds but he still managed to offer a $1000 prize for the winner and raise $1300 for breast cancer research. Wow. This is a big deal and a big task for a recent high school graduate.
There are so many things our teens are doing these days to try to make a difference in the world and it goes unrecognized by the many. They get a bad rap when all we see on TV are school shootings and videos on You tube on fights and conflicts. I say this teen awareness is going in the wrong direction. Do you want to influence a teenager and celebrate the amazing things they are doing? Let’s let the world see firsthand what’s really going on. These kids are our future and by publically showing the things that they are doing, there is no telling where the domino effect of change and inspiration will come in.
I have a passion for these kids and am very proud of their accomplishments. I know many others in the area have been prompted by the acts of one to get involved.