Speaking of thoughts… I am noticing a weird trend going on in the brain and wondering, “Whats up with that?” Today I’m driving home and bleach pops into my mind. Yep a random seemingly thought about bleach. Am I out? Could I use it on that stain? As the thought process continues, I move on to whats the best cleaning stuff I own and what I would probably buy next, etc. All this completely dismissed and gone when I pull into my driveway. After settling in I decide to check my email. The first one I open is titled Clorox vs. Peroxide. What!? That’s just crazy. I was just thinking this! What’s even freakier is that I checked the time on the email and it is the same time those thoughts were going through my mind. Coincidence? Maybe. I started to recall the incident yesterday. My son was flipping channels and saw a movie titled “What a Girl Wants. I asked him if that was the one Mel Gibson was in and he looks at me with this “who?” look then I tell him “Oh, never mind, that’s What Women Want”. Later that evening I’m doing some channel surfing myself and see that same movie on the guide.
This happens to me constantly. I don’t think I’m psycic or crazy (though you may disagree with the latter)but I do believe there is more to our thoughts than just complete randomness of firing neurons. Have you ever had something pop in your head then think, “Where did THAT come from?” Or be humming a song and get in your car and that same song starts playing?
Your brain is a powerful tool and I think if we learn to actually pay attention to what we are thinking and actually accept or reject thoughts accordingly, we could change a lot about our lives and how we interact with those around us. Would love to hear your thoughts on thoughts……
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