I have spent many nights under the sky marveling at the moon and stars. My mind enjoys the peace of staring into the sky thinking about the universe and the Creator of it all. What a masterful plan with every detail attended to. A few days ago, I had the joy of watching the harvest moon rise up over the mountains in all its huge glory. When it rises and has the mountains in front of it, you get a real opportunity to see how awesome it really is.
The moon actually has no light of it's own. It only reflects the light of the sun that illuminates the earth. Without the sun, the moon is actually just this big insignificant rock hanging out in the atmosphere. As the position of the sun changes, however near or far to the moon, it changes the illumination of the moon. This is the process God created. It wasn't just a way of giving us light, it was a way of showing us light and how light and darkness work. The moon can only reflect the light that is available by the sun. We marvel at the beauty of the moon when in reality, it is the sun that creates all the beauty.
And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. -Gen 1:17-18.
Jesus came as the light of the world. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world" John 9:5. Light and darkness were a pretty important theme in the new testament. There are over 112 scriptures referring to it. That definitely causes me to go back to the beginning where light and darkness were first found. You and I are merely human and cannot create a light of our own. The light we shine (or illuminate) in the world is what is reflected by and through the son. How close or how far you are in your relationship with Jesus, seems to determine how bright you can illuminate. I don't know about you, but the revelation of receiving just a small nugget of truth in scripture can be pretty awesome.
I have spent many evening photographing the sky in all sorts of ways. Time lapse, star trails, moon shots and meteors are some of my favorites. If you ever have had the chance to do this, you'll notice that when you leave the lens open for an extended period of time, the sky is actually filled with so many stars unseeable to the naked eye that they seem to create a blanket of light. This is where heaven is.
Genesis 1:14 And God said"Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night"...15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth." Wow.
Have you every thought about sitting under the stars and looking directly into heaven? I have. I truly marvel at the fact that God loves us so much that He to put all this into motion.