Saturday, January 19, 2013

Brushing Up on Some Slang

 I ran across this information cleaning out my computer. A dreaded job but I had a couple 500 minutes to kill.  I had put together a list of teen slang for some parents as a fun activity.  I chuckles every time I see it. One reason is because I remember all the slang/code words we used to use.  They are quite different these days.  I do warn parents not to let on that we know these words nor use them at any time.  Usually the minute they know we know, they'll change them like a super spy on a covert mission of mass secrecy!  Enjoy:

A flop is when a planned event doesn't end up happening. A flopper is someone who often cancels last minute.
A photobomb is when a person or object is in a picture accidentally or intentionally and as a result, ruins the photo.
A fail is a fail in life. It can be anything from falling off your bike, walking into a glass door or overcooking your holiday dinner. Fails can also happen online if you write on someone's Facebook wall by accident, for example.
Now if a fail is a fail in life, then an epic fail is a fail of giant proportions. An epic fail can also refer to a task that is meant to be easy, but still wasn't carried out properly.
A lipdub may not be as common among all teens, but a lot of libdubs have been popping up on the Internet. For example in this one,students at the University of British Columbia sing their way through campus with Pink's "Raise Your Glass." Essentially, a lipdub is a music video done in one take with a variety of people singing along.
A noob refers to someone who doesn't have the basic knowledge when it comes to pop culture, tech terms or just generally what seems to be "in" that week. (And don't worry, after you read our guide, you will no longer be a noob when it comes to popular words among teens).
No, this is not a typo, pwned is spelled with a "p" and is pronounced 'owned.' History suggests it originated in an online game called "Warcraft," where a map designer misspelled "owned." (Just look how close "p" and "o" are on your keyboard). When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, "has been owned." Being owned means someone just proved you wrong, but it could also be positive. If you did well on a test, guess what? You pwned that test.
Now kids aren't going around saying "POS" out loud -- nor would they say LOL (laugh out loud), WTF (what the f--k), BRB (be right back) or SMH (shaking my head) --but this one is just for texting and chatting. If you ever happen to look over your son or daughter's shoulder while they are on instant message sites or Facebook and you see "POS," it refers to: parents over shoulder.
Sick doesn't refer to being ill or literally sick. It usually refers to something that was awesome, cool or surprising.
A hater is usually someone who feels anger or jealously towards another person because of their success. However, when most teens use it, they just assume they other person is ruining their life on purpose. 
·                    Greycation - Having your grandparents join your vacation.
Bro-tox - Men getting botox
Iceman - A friend with nerves of steel
Tarhead - Someone who is involved in oil-based recreation such as car racing.
Affluential - Having both money and power or influence
Flamed - To have taken everything too seriously
Awesomity - The highest state of awesome
Ollie - A skateboard trick where the rider and board leap into the air
Planking - Laying your body on top of an object and balancing there while stretched out and stiffened.
Tight - Means close in relationship.
Tool - Refers to someone who is stupid or a geek.
Wanksta - Refers to a person trying to act tough, but isn't really pulling it off.
Chillaxin - cross between chillin' and relaxing.
Crashy - Crazy and trashy. Not considered to be good.
Crunk - cross between crazy and drunk. Some teens use this term to mean cool.
Requestion - cross between a request and a question.
Tope - cross between tight and dope.